More Meat Less Meat
—TKM Gråmølna
15.02.2023 - 01.05.2023

More Meat Less Meat is an art exhibition of alternative food futures and multi-species encounters exploring the theme of meat and climate change in Norway. The show features collaborative, multi-sensory artworks by two artist groups: Center for Genomic Gastronomy and Chicks On Speed with collaborators.
The exhibition was created as part of the MEATigation research project (2020-2024) which has the primary objective to explore how meat is embedded in Norwegian food practices and to identify ways to promote sustainable meat-use in Norway.
“Mitigating climate change through meat.The theme of this exhibition is that “meat is not just calories: it is culture”. Through your interactions with the installations and events we invite you to imagine, taste and debate a range of food futures for a climate-changed Norway.
A reduction in Western meat consumption is critical for respecting planetary boundaries, ensuring global food security, and improving human and animal health. However, even when positive to climate action, Europeans are reluctant to reduce their meat consumption, especially in the Nordic regions.”
— MEATigation Project
The exhibition is one output of the MEATigation research grant (2020- 2024) funded by the Norwegian Research Council. MEATigation’s primary objective is: To explore how meat is embedded in Norwegian food practices and to identify ways to promote sustainable meat-use in Norway.
Artistic Production for Genomic Gastronomy & Exhibition Assistance:
Liz Dom
Eirin Koehler Breivik
Camille Pelissou
Exhibition Technicians:
Øystein Fjeldbo
Øystein Digre
Andreas Fortes
Exhibition Installation Assistants:
Alexander Crilles
Marius Reed
Exhibition Installation Photography:
Dixin Wang
Dixin Wang