Genomic Gastronomy, 2023Photographs, artist book, audio recording, seating.
Artwork Description
This installation contains:
Meatball Matrix: 100 Shades of Beige
24 photographs.
Meatball portraits hung in descending order of meatiness (left: 99% to right: 0%).
To Die For
Artist book, edition of 150.
This book explores questions of more meat / less meat meatballs in Norwegian history and culture.
Kjøttkaker som klimatiltak
Audio recording.
This is an excerpt of a radio debate: “Meatballs as Climate Measure” Politisk Kvarter, 10.05.2021.
Meatball poufs
Take a seat and relax on this inedible meat simulation. What makes a meatball a meatball?
Genomic Gastronomy
(Cathrine Kramer, Emma Conley, Zack Denfeld)
Writing, Editing, Design & Photography
Martin Loeng and Marius Korsnes
Contributing Writers, Meatball History and Recipe Research
Eirin Koehler Breivik
Production Assistance, Marbling Artwork, Transcription and Translation
Camille Pelissou and Liz Dom
Production Assistance
De Boekdrukker

Featured Meatballs
99% Meat
90s Homemade / Hjemmelaget på 90-tallet
90% Meat
Moose Meatballs / Elgkjøtboller
80% Meat
Health By Stealth (Lupin) / Snikende Sundt (Lupin)
70% Meat
Supermarket Meatballs / Gilde Kjøttkaker
70% Meat
Meat and Beanballs / Kjøtt og Bønnekaker
70% Meat
Offal Balls / Innmatkaker
50% Meat
Meatballs w/ Raw Potato / Kjøttkaker med Rå Potet
20% Meat
Lentil Meatballs / Linsekaker
10% Meat
Ye Olde Mushroom Balls / Sopp Kjøtkakur
0% Meat
Local Fava Beanballs Kortreiste Fava Bønnekaker
0% Meat
Ikea Huvudroll Plant Balls / Ikea Huvudroll Planteboller
0% Meat
Beyond Meatballs / Beyond Kjøttkaker